<aside> <img src="/icons/user_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/user_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> For team members

initially setting up the Ñimbl Knowledge Hub

or migrating pages to it

that want to know how to set the right properties.



The template includes default pages that should be customized to fit your company's content. Your company might also have content that needs to be adjusted to fit into the Ñimbl Knowledge Hub. Here are the steps to initiate this process.



The template has been copied to your workspace and its content has beend moved to the target teamspace.

Steps to distribute ownership for Template Articles

Step 1: Go to your Backlog

Navigate to Wiki. You find the view My Backlog of Articles on the wiki home **or using the switcher at the top.

Step 2: Open the article with the most advanced lifecycle stage

The more to the right on the board, the further progressed.

See Lifecycle Stages of the Ñimbl Knowledge Hub to understand how articles run through the process.

Step 3: Set owner and verification property

Give the article an owner and set a verification date in the near future based on the importance and urgency of the page. If unsure, choose 7 days to speed up the process.

Step 4: Repeat for next article

Repeat the above steps until your backlog is either empty or it only contains articles that you should own.

Steps to relocate existing pages into the Wiki

<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Ñimbl Tip

We recommend that one person takes ownership for the migration of existing pages if you don't already have an existing ownership structure. ****
