The lifecycle stages help us keep track of where each article is in its journey from idea to completion to get it ready to share with others.

The purpose of these stages is to make sure we have a clear plan for how we're going to create, review, and share our articles. It helps us stay organized and make sure nothing gets overlooked.

ToDo Group

Not Started - Articles in the "Not Started" stage are created, but they are empty stubs. They are a reminder that this knowledge should soon be documented.

Unpublished - Articles in the "Unpublished" stage were published at some point in the past, but they needed to be taken down. This might be due to information that causes problem or because it is just not relevant anymore.

In Progress Group

Draft- Articles in the "Draft" stage are actively being worked on. This might sometimes take days or even weeks.

In Review - Articles in the "In Review" stage are being looked at by other people to make sure they're good to go. It's like getting a second opinion before you make something public. In the specific case of a Manifest the article is waiting for approval by the committee.

Completed Group

Published - Articles in the "Published" stage are finished and ready to be shared with everyone. They've passed all the checks and are now available for everyone to see.

Needs Update - Articles in the "Needs Update" stage were once finished and published, but now they need some changes. Maybe something has changed, or there's new information that needs to be added.